Est. 2007
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New Law Alert - Good Cause Eviction Statute & COVID-19
Can I evict someone now?

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Holdover New Matter Submission Form

Please fill in the form below and an attorney will contact you shortly:

Upload file/tenant ledger (optional)

1. Date:*
2. Contact Person/Client:*
3. E-mail:*
4. Phone Number:
5. Full address of unit you are seeking to regain possession of including unit (if you are seeking to recover a room, please be sure to note):
6. Names of all occupants residing at the subject unit (only list people 18 years old and older):
7. If you do not know names of particular occupants in question 5, please list those people below via sex and age (example: male, 26; female, 22):
8. Was there ever a WRITTEN lease with anyone listed in question 6 or 7 above?  
a. Was there ever a WRITTEN lease renewal?  
9. If you answer "NO" to question 8 above - was there an ORAL rental agreement?  
a. What were all the terms of the agreement (when is payment due and how much, etc.)?
10. What is the currently monthly rent amount: $
a. If you do not know, indicate what you believe the fair market value is: $
11. How old is the oldest occupant of the unit?  
12. Is any occupant suffering from any physical or mental disability?  
13. Do any school age children reside at the subject premises?  
14. How long has the longest residing occupant resided at the subject premises?    
15. Is the unit:  
16. If residential, is the unit(check all those that apply):

17. Breakdown of outstanding payments due to you:
Month-Year Rent Amount Late Fee
18. Additional information to be considered (if applicable):
19. Are there any known pets in the unit, if so please describe and please provide occupant’s phone number (if known):
20. How did you find us?